Seize the opportunity to set yourself up for success. Jumpstart a routine, find your motivation, raise your self-esteem, and fight for a better year because let's get real, we all deserve it!
Unleash the fighter within and join FightCamp and thousands of FightCamp community members for our Start With a Bang 2022 Challenge! It's the perfect at-home fitness and boxing challenge to start the year off right.
What Is The Start With a Bang 2022 Challenge?
In the FIRST 22 days of January, we challenge you to PUNCH with us.
From January 1st-22nd, we invite you to join us. Together, we are setting the bar high--but we KNOW you can do it!
We want to donate $10,000 to Boston Boxing’s after-school boxing program, Fit Students For Life, so these are the punch goals and donation amounts we’ve set:
50 MILLION punches unlocks the first $5K
60 MILLION punches unlocks another $2.5K
70 MILLION punches unlocks the final $2.5K
Why Should I Join?
If you hit the punch goals we’ve set, we will take $10,000 and donate it to the Fit Students For Life after school program in Boston. For over 10 years, this free program for middle and high school students teaches the importance of fitness and healthy living through strength exercises and boxing technique, as well as offering speed and explosion training for high school athletes.
How Can I Join The Start With a Bang 2022 Challenge?
If you're already a FightCamp Member, make sure your app is updated to see the challenge.
Everyone with Punch Trackers is already entered!
Open your app and scroll on the homepage until you see 2022 Start With A Bang Challenge.
Click on the tab for our live punch count updates, donation status, and #SWAB2022 leaderboard.
On January 1st, 2022, start punching and unlock badges while hitting your personal best.
Stay up-to-date with the latest #SWAB2022 news and earn your bragging rights by posting your progress on social.
Challenge Details
In the app, you’ll be able to see the real-time punch stats of the entire community as you contribute to the goal as well as your own individual contribution. Not only will you be boxing for something greater than just your own goals, but you’ll be changing lives with every punch.
Build Your Start With a Bang 2022 Challenge
The name of the game for the Start With a Bang 2022 Challenge is to punch our way to hitting our goal to help the kids at Boston Boxing. Here is a template to help you reach those goals. As always, make sure to listen to your body. Take breaks when you need to and take rest days!
Workout Week To Maximize Your Punch Count!
Day One - Any Dynamic Warmup/any Pure Punching Boxing workout/any Core Workout
Day Two - Any Dynamic Warmup/any Burnout Boxing workout/any Core Workout
Day Three - Any Dynamic Warmup/Classic 1-2 Drill/any Post-Workout Stretch Session
Day Four - Any *Recovery* session
Day Five - Any Dynamic Warmup/any Pure Punching Boxing workout/any Core Workout/any Post-Workout Stretch Session
Day Six - Any Dynamic Warmup/any Burnout Boxing workout/any Core Workout
Day Seven - *Recovery* session