One of the best tools, and most affordable pieces of equipment you can invest in for your home gym is a foam roller. It’s not all punches and kicks for boxers and kickboxers. You need to let your body rest from intense training, and a quick and easy recovery day foam rolling workout is just the ticket.
But today FightCamp Trainer Aaron Swenson isn't walking you through the traditional foam rolling routine, but rather a 5 minute HIIT workout, using the foam roller to enhance the difficulty of each movement. Don't worry, there are modifications to make sure you understand the movements before going all out!
Note: Any size foam roller will work for this routine, however a slightly shorter roller will be easier to use and move around with.
Warm-Up (5 minutes)
Even though this is a simple and short foam roller workout, it is still beneficial to properly warm up to make sure you don’t injure yourself. Check out the FightCamp App for a quick 5-minute dynamic warm-up to get you loose!
Foam Roller Cardio Routine (5 minutes)
After your warm-up, grab your foam roller and get started!
High Plank + Leg Curl Ups (40 seconds)
Place the foam roller on the ground perpendicular to your body
Come into a high plank position
Carefully place your legs on top of the foam roller, mid-shin
Slowly “curl” your legs up towards your chest, performing a knee tuck then slowly extending your legs back to the full plank extension
As you curl your legs, the foam roller will naturally roll up and down along your shins
Repeat this movement for 40 seconds
Key Focus Points:
Keep your hands underneath your shoulders
Maintain a slight tension in your triceps
Draw your belly button towards your spine to keep your core engaged
Keep your breath slow and controlled
Added Challenge: Try and keep your legs straight throughout the roll outs performing a pike instead of a knee tuck.
Rest (20 seconds)
Push-Up Pass (40 seconds)
Place the foam roller on the ground parallel to your body
Come into a high plank position with your feet slightly wider than shoulder-width for added stability and balance
Carefully balance and place your right hand on top of the foam roller
Perform a push-up
Gently pass/roll the foam roller to your left hand and carefully balance on top of it
Perform another push-up
Repeat these steps for 40 seconds
Modification: If regular push-ups are too difficult, you can perform knee push-ups until you build up enough strength.
Rest (20 seconds)
Glute Bridge (40 seconds)
Start by laying on your back on the ground, with your arms out to your sides for balance, feet flat on the floor, and your legs bent at a 90-degree angle
Place the foam roller underneath your feet
Perform a glute bridge raise by lifting your hips towards the sky, squeezing your glutes
Hold for a second count
Slowly lower your hips and glutes back down to the ground
Repeat for 40 seconds
Added Challenge: Perform single leg glute bridge raises for 20 seconds on each leg.
Rest (20 seconds)
Reverse Lunge + Twist (40 seconds)
Assume a tall, upright position
Hold the foam roller at the ends at chest height
Perform a right leg reverse lunge by stepping backwards with your left leg and just touching your knee to the ground
Briefly hold this position as you twist your upper body to your right and then back to center
Step your left leg back to the starting position
Repeat on the opposite side
Continue this lunge and twist movement, alternating sides for 40 seconds
Added Challenge: Instead of twisting, perform jump-switch lunges.
Rest (20 seconds)
Tuck Jump + Burpee (40 seconds)
Assume a tall, upright position
Stand next to your foam roller
Perform a tuck jump, laterally, over the foam roller
Try to touch your knees to your chest
For each jump focus on landing softly and quietly
Immediately upon landing perform a burpee
Continue jumping laterally side-to-side over the foam roller for the remaining 40 seconds
Modification: If you don’t feel comfortable clearing your foam roller, you can stand behind it and perform the lateral tuck jumps, using the roller as a guide. Alternatively, you can also step over the foam roller.
Rest (20 seconds)
Recovery (10-30 seconds)
Stand in a tall, upright position
Place your hands behind your head
Breathe slowly and in a controlled manner for 10-30 seconds, pausing between each inhalation and exhalation
Keep On Rollin'
And that’s it–a quick 5-minute workout using a foam roller. The foam roller is a simple piece of equipment that you can use to warm-up, workout, and recover, wherever you are!
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