The holidays are a time of nonstop fun, family, and food! But all that hustle and bustle can throw us off of our normal routines, and it’s easy for us to forget or put off our workouts. Skipping a few days won’t nullify all of your hard work and progress with your boxing training, but sneaking in even the shortest full-body workouts will help your body stay strong and feel energized during busy times.
When you’re short on time, maximize your workouts with high-intensity interval training (HIIT) and minimal rest in between. Here’s a five-minute boxing workout you can fit into your bustling holiday schedule to keep your fitness goals on track!
Quick 5-Minute Holiday HIIT Punching Bag Workout
For this workout, you can use a heavy bag or free-standing punching bag.
If you don’t have a punching bag, you can do a no-equipment option by shadowboxing in the air in front of you. And since this 5-minute workout is all about breaking a sweat in record time, if you’re not working out on a punching bag, feel free to forego hand wraps and boxing gloves.
Warm Up (2 minutes)
Time is precious during the holidays, so we want to keep it short, but warming up your muscles before a workout is vital for your recovery and performance. For 2 minutes, start with either of these:
Running laps around your house
Jogging in place
HIIT Workout (5 minutes)
Repeat the following boxing punch combinations nonstop for one minute each:
Jab - Cross
(1 - 2)
Start in your boxing stance, kicking-distance away from the heavy bag
Step your lead foot forward, bend your lead knee, and extend your jab
After your jab, pull your lead hand back to guard and extend your cross
Repeat this jab - cross (1 - 2) combination as fast as possible while maintaining good boxing technique for 1 minute
Jab - Cross - Lead Hook
(1 - 2 - 3)
Start in your boxing stance, kicking-distance away from the heavy bag
Take an anchor-step forward, and throw your jab - cross (1 - 2) combo
As you retract your cross, throw your lead hand in a hook motion to hit the side of the bag at head-level
Repeat your jab - cross - lead hook (1 - 2 - 3) combo as fast as possible while maintaining good boxing technique for 1 minute
Jab - Cross - Lead Hook - Cross
(1 - 2 - 3 - 2)
Throw your jab - cross - lead hook (1 - 2 - 3) combo and add one more cross
Be sure to bring your lead hand, the one you just threw your hook with, back to protect your face as you throw your second cross
Repeat the 1 - 2 - 3 - 2 combo for 1 minute
Jab - Cross - Lead Hook (Body) - Lead Hook (Head)
(1 - 2 - 3 Body - 3 Head)
From your boxing stance, throw your jab - cross (1 - 2) combo
Change levels by bending your lead leg and dropping your weight
Throw a lead hook to the body -- picture the spot directly beneath your opponent’s ribs
As you rechamber your punch, straighten your knee to return to normal fight stance
Rip a second lead hook to the head
Repeat the combo for a full minute
Speed Round: Jab - Cross
(1 - 2)
From your boxing stance, throw your jab - cross (1 - 2) combo as fast as you possibly can while maintain good form and boxing technique for 1 minute
Keep your punches light--Don’t worry about power for this round -- focus on speed!
Do your best to complete this 5-minute routine without rest in between the rounds. If you have extra time, repeat the routine two or three times with one set of 10 deep squats in between.
Cool Down (2 minutes)
Wrap up your workout with a quick cool down you can do in less time than it takes to wrap a present:
Shoulder Pull (30 seconds)
Pull your right arm across your chest with your left arm
Hold your right arm for 15 seconds
Switch arms and hold for another 15 seconds
Chest Pull (1 minute)
Use your heavy bag or a wall for this stretch.
Stand with the right side of your body directly along your bag or wall
Lift your right arm parallel and grab hold of the bag or wall
Still holding the bag or wall, lean away from the bag or wall until you feel a stretch along your right pectoral and bicep
Hold for 30 seconds and switch arms
Child's Pose (30 seconds)
From a kneeling position, bring your big toes together and spread your knees out wider than your torso
Fold forward from the crease of your hips and place your forehead on the floor
Place your arms by your sides or extend them out forward with your palms facing down
Drop your hips back toward your heels
Close your eyes and continue to inhale and exhale deeply
Hold this pose for 30 seconds or as long as you’d like
Five minutes of work and nine minutes total...that’s all it took to get in a fantastic workout during the chaos of the holidays. Try to fit this workout in once a day until you can resume your usual fitness training schedule. For more FightCamp boxing workouts, follow our YouTube Channel or visit our Blog.