One of the most important fundamentals when it comes to fighting is footwork. Everything in fighting revolves around proper footwork. One of the best pieces of fitness equipment that a fighter can own to help them improve their boxing footwork is a speed ladder. A speed ladder allows you to work, not only on your footwork, but also on your coordination, timing, and fast-twitch movements.
Here, FightCamp Trainer Jess Evans takes us through a 7-minute speed ladder workout. Jess prefers to use this routine as a warm-up, but you can use it as a full, standalone workout as well.
7-Minute Speed Ladder Workout
For this workout, you will need a speed or agility ladder. You’ll complete a total of three (3) 2-minute rounds with 20 seconds of rest in between each round.
Fast Feet
Start standing behind the agility ladder
Lead off by stepping with your left leg
Step both feet in between each rung
Keeping your arms at 90-degrees, pump them to increase your tempo
Continue down the entire ladder
Turn around and head back down the ladder, this time leading with your right leg
Start standing behind the agility ladder
Lead off by stepping with your right leg outside of the first rung (to the right side)
Immediately step with your left leg outside of the first rung (to the left side)
Next, step inside the following rung with your right leg
Consecutively step your left leg inside the same rung as your right leg
Step outside the next rung with your right leg while simultaneously following up with your left leg
Continue this pattern (out, out, in, in) down the ladder
Turn around and lead off with your left leg back down the ladder
One Foot Hops
Start off balancing on your right leg behind your ladder
Hop on one foot in between each rung down the ladder
Turn around
Continue back down the ladder on the same leg
Turn around and perform left leg hops down and back on the ladder
Lateral In/Outs
Start standing to the side of your ladder with your shoulders parallel to the ladder
Lead off by stepping with your inside leg in between the first and second rungs
Immediately step your other leg in between the same rungs
Next, step your leadoff leg outside the second and third rungs
Directly after doing so, step your opposite leg outside the same rungs
Continue this pattern down the ladder
Once finished, return down ladder facing the same direction
Scissor Switch
Start off on the side of your ladder with your shoulders parallel to the ladder
Your legs should be in a split stance with your inside leg starting in the first square between the rungs and your outside leg outside of the ladder
Laterally hop down the ladder
As you jump, your legs will alternate
Your inside leg is now outside of the ladder
Your outside leg is now between the following two rungs
Continue scissor switching lateral hops down the ladder
Return back down the ladder facing the same direction
Step In + Jab
Start off in your boxing stance to the side of your agility ladder with your shoulders parallel to the ladder
Step inside the first box with your lead leg while simultaneously throwing a jab
As soon as you throw your jab, step back outside the ladder and return your hand back to a defensive position
Laterally step towards your lead side with both legs
Your step should only be as far as the next rung
Continue this pattern down the ladder
Return down the ladder stepping towards your rear side
Rest (20 seconds)
Repeat 2x
Bonus Challenge
For an added challenge, during the final round, attempt to work up and down the ladder facing the same direction as opposed to turning around. This means the forward-facing patterns will be performed forward on the way down and then backward on the way back.
Repetition Is Mastery
This is a quick workout that introduces you to a few basic speed ladder drills to help you hone your boxing footwork. Over time as you progress, you can advance the movement patterns to more complicated drills. The goal is to stay light on your feet and to practice rhythm and timing. Repetition is the key to success.
Train Like a Fighter
Take your workouts to the next level and train like a fighter with the at-home connected fitness solution used by world champion boxers Mike Tyson and Floyd Mayweather. FightCamp has everything you need to work out on your schedule, with premium boxing equipment and hundreds of on-demand strength, conditioning, kickboxing, boxing, core, and recovery classes led by real fighters. As Mike Tyson said - “FightCamp is the next level of training!”