As a fighter, it’s imperative to have a strong core. This will help with your performance training at home, and your survival as a fighter inside the ring. Here’s our secret: a strong core isn't just helpful for fighters – it’s important for everybody.
Why? A strong core gives you the ability to live your life pain-free and do everything that you love to do. Whether that's playing with your kids outside or walking up a flight of stairs without feeling sore, having a strong core makes everyday life easier.
FightCamp Trainer Shanie Smash has a heart-pumping 10-minute, core shred workout that you can do anywhere.
10-Minute Core-Shredding Workout
Cat-Cow Pose (30 seconds)
Start off in a tabletop position, with your hands underneath your shoulders, and your knees stacked underneath your hips
From here, arch your back up as high as you can towards the ceiling (cat pose)
Make sure to inhale deeply
Your eyes and head should be looking toward the ground
Sink your belly button down towards the ground (cow pose) and exhale
Your eyes and head should be looking up towards the ceiling
Continue alternating between the two poses for 30 seconds
Focus on slow controlled breaths
Bird Dogs (60 seconds)
Start off in a tabletop position, with your hands underneath your shoulders and your knees stacked underneath your hips
From here, slowly raise your right arm so that it is parallel to the ground
Simultaneously raise your left leg parallel to the ground, squeezing your glutes and left quad
Pause for one second, then return to the starting position
Continue the extension and raise for 30 seconds
Then switch sides, this time raising your left arm and right leg
Continue for 30 more seconds
Key Focus Points:
Exhale during the extension movements, focusing on squeezing the glutes and keeping your core tight
Remain as stable as possible throughout the entire movement – pretend there is a glass of water on your back and you can't spill it
The slower you execute the extensions, the longer and harder your core has to work to stabilize your body
High Plank (60 seconds)
Start off in a high plank position with your hands stacked underneath your shoulders
Squeeze your glutes
Focus on drawing your belly button towards your spine
Hold for 60 seconds
Plank Tip:
Slow and controlled breaths help keep your muscles engaged during the plank
Supermans (30 seconds)
Start by lying on your stomach, facedown in a prone position with your arms straight out in front of you and palms facing down
Keep your legs straight and relaxed
From here, slowly lift your arms, chest, legs, and thighs, simultaneously up towards the ceiling about 4-6 inches
Your head should remain still, in line with your spine; it will naturally raise up as your chest rises
Exhale as you lift off the ground into position
Focus on squeezing your glutes
This takes any additional strain off of your lower back
Hold this position for two seconds before slowly lowering back to the ground and exhaling
Continue this movement for the remaining 30 seconds
Raised Leg Crunches (30 seconds)
Start lying on the ground on your back
Raise your legs towards the ceiling, perpendicular to the ground
This is the starting position
From here, crunch/reach upwards attempting to touch your toes with your hands
Slowly return back down so that your shoulders end up staying elevated off the ground
Continue crunching for the remaining 30 seconds
Raised Leg Crunch Tips:
Keep your arms straight throughout the entire movement
Perform small, pulse-like crunches upwards
Attempt to keep your shoulders off of the ground for the entire 30 seconds
Flutter Kicks (30 seconds)
Start lying on the ground on your back
Raise both legs 4-6 inches off the ground and place your arms straight out next to your legs for balance
To make the move easier, place your hands underneath your butt
This also takes stress off of your lower back and helps with balance
This is the starting position
From here, alternate kicking your legs as though you were freestyle swimming in a pool
One leg should always remain 4-6 inches off the ground while the other leg “kicks” 2-4 inches higher
Focus on drawing your belly button towards your spine
Continue flutter kicks for the remainder of the 30 seconds
Scissor Kicks (30 seconds)
Start lying on the ground on your back
Raise both legs 4-6 inches off the ground and place your arms straight out next to your legs for balance
To make the move easier, place your hands underneath your butt
This also takes stress off of your lower back and helps with balance
This is the starting position
From here, “open” your legs up as if to form a “V-shape”
Immediately close your legs, crossing your right leg over your left leg
Quickly, open your legs again to form the same “V-shape”
Close your legs again switching so your left leg crosses over your right leg
Continue alternating scissor kicks for the remaining 30 seconds
Leg Raises (60 seconds)
Start lying on the ground on your back
Raise both legs 4-6 inches off the ground and place your arms straight out next to your legs for balance
To make the move easier, place your hands underneath your butt
This also takes stress off of your lower back and helps with balance
This is the starting position
From here, exhale and continue raising your legs towards the ceiling until they are perpendicular to the ground
Pause for one second
Slowly inhale and lower your legs back to the starting position in a controlled manner
Continue this movement for 60 seconds
Leg Raise Options:
Beginner: Rest your legs on the ground between repetitions
Intermediate/Advanced: For an added challenge, don’t let your feet touch the ground for the entire 60 seconds
Knee To Elbow Crunch (60 seconds)
Start lying on your back with both feet flat on the ground
From here, place your right ankle on your left knee, your left hand behind your head, and your right palm on the ground for balance
This is your starting position
Crunch your left elbow towards your right knee, attempting to touch them
Pause for one second
Slowly lower back to the starting position
Continue crunching for 30 seconds
After 30 seconds, switch sides with your left ankle on your right knee, your right hand behind your head, and your left palm on the ground
Continue for the remaining 30 seconds
Bicycle Crunches (30 seconds)
Start lying on the ground on your back
Raise both legs 6-8 inches off the ground and place your hands behind your head
This is your starting position
From here, crunch upwards with your left elbow towards your right knee, while simultaneously driving your right knee towards your chest
Attempt to make contact with your knee and elbow
Quickly return to the starting position
Immediately alternate and crunch your right elbow towards your left knee as it drives towards your chest
Attempt to make contact again
Return to starting position
Continue alternating knees to elbows for 30 seconds
Once you get a rhythm going, this movement becomes easier to balance
Crunches (30 seconds)
Start lying on the ground on your back
Bring your legs off of the ground and cross your feet
Legs should be at a 90-degree angle with your shins parallel to the ground
Cross your arms so that opposite hands are placed on opposite shoulders
This is the starting position
From here, crunch upwards towards the ceiling, attempting to tap your elbow to your knees
Return back to the starting position
Continue crunching for the remaining 30 seconds
Crunch Tips:
Keep your hands on your shoulders or by the sides of your head
Don’t pull your head with your hands as this can strain your neck and lead to injury
Focus on lifting your chest upwards and your head will follow
Side Planks (60 seconds)
Start by lying on the ground on your right side with your body in a straight line
Prop your upper body onto your right elbow and forearm with your right elbow in line underneath your right shoulder
Lift your hips off the ground
The only points of contact with the ground should be your right forearm/elbow and your feet, stacked on top of each other
Your body should now be close to a 45-degree angle
This is the starting position
Hold this side plank position for 30 seconds
After 30 seconds, switch sides and hold for an additional 30 seconds
Side Plank Tips:
Point your left arm towards the ceiling for balance
Don’t let your hips dip downward; try and remain in a straight line
Focus on drawing your belly button towards your spine, breathing slowly, and squeezing your glutes
Intermediate/Advanced Option: For an added challenge, raise your top leg about 12 inches off your bottom leg.
Plank (60 seconds)
Start lying facedown on your stomach
Prop your upper body on both forearms with your elbows in line underneath your shoulders and your thumbs pointing towards the ceiling
Squeeze your glutes and raise your hips off the ground
Your feet and elbows and forearms should be the only points of contact with the ground
This is the starting position
Hold this plank position for the full 60 seconds
Plank Tips:
Focus on belly button to spine
Squeeze your glutes the entire time
Maintain slow, controlled breaths
Don’t let your hips dip; try and keep your body in a straight line
Cool Down (60 seconds)
Cobra Pose (30 seconds)
Begin by lying facedown on the ground
Prop your chest upright onto your forearms and hands
Hands should be around nipple height on each side of your chest and your palms face down on the ground
Slowly push your upper body upwards
Your head should be looking up, slight bend in the elbows, hips in contact with the ground
Hold this pose for 30 seconds
Child’s Pose (30 seconds)
From cobra pose, come into a kneeling position and bring your big toes together and spread your knees out wider than your torso
Fold forward from the crease of your hips and place your forehead on the floor
Place your arms by your sides or extend them out forward with your palms facing down
Drop your hips back toward your heels
Close your eyes and continue to inhale and exhale deeply
Hold this pose for at least 30 seconds
Your Core Has Just Been Shanie Smashed
There you have it, FightCamp Trainer Shanie Smash’s 10-minute core routine that you can do anytime, before or after a workout, first thing in the morning, or right before bed. Shanie recommends adding this routine into your regular boxing training five times per week. You’ll be rocking those six-pack abs in no time!
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