Low-impact cardio workouts can be a great alternative workout for anyone who lives with chronic injuries, joint problems, or anyone who is looking to slowly build up their cardiovascular endurance. If you’re looking for an at-home boxing workout that will push your cardio without risking injury, this low-impact routine is it! To eliminate impact, this workout involves zero jumping and zero equipment. So if you don’t have a heavy bag or boxing gloves at home, this is a straightforward and convenient workout for you to try.
If you’re wondering how you can do a boxing workout with no boxing equipment, the answer is shadowboxing. Shadowboxing is a highly beneficial boxing technique where you spar with an imaginary opponent. When you throw your punch combinations, you will visualize an opponent in front of you, still focusing on distance and footwork.
Total Body Low-Impact Boxing Workout
We will start with a quick warm-up, then complete the following 4 rounds with 1 minute of rest in between.
Warm-Up (2 minutes)
Arm Circles (30 seconds)
Hold your arms out perpendicular to your sides and make small circles, slowly increasing the sizes of your circles
Switch directions and repeat for 30 seconds
High-Knee Pulldown (30 seconds)
Begin with your arms overhead, then simultaneously raise one knee and pull both elbows down in a crunch motion
Switch knees, alternating, and continue for 30 seconds
Torso Twist (30 seconds)
Stand with your feet hip-width apart
Twist from left to right, all the way through your foot, knee, and hip
Continue for 30 seconds
Side Lunges (30 seconds)
Start with your feet hip-width apart
Step one foot out sideways and bend your knee into a squat
Return to neutral and repeat on the other leg and continue for 30 seconds
Round 1 (3 minutes)
Jab - Cross | 1 - 2 (30 seconds)
Alternate Jab - Cross (1 - 2) punches
Extend your lead hand into a Jab while protecting your face with your rear hand
As you retract your Jab, extend your Cross
Repeat, focusing on technique and continue for 30 seconds
Jab - Cross - Lead Hook | 1 - 2 - 3 (30 seconds)
Throw your Jab - Cross (1 - 2) combination
As you retract your Cross, turn through your hips and throw a Lead Hook, keeping your elbow level with your shoulder
Repeat the punch combo and continue for 30 seconds
Jab - Cross - Jab - Cross - Lead Hook (B) - Lead Hook | 1 - 2 - 1 - 2 - 3B - 3 (30 seconds)
Throw a quick Jab - Cross - Jab - Cross (1 - 2 - 1 - 2)
Twist your hips and bend your knees for a level switch and throw a Lead Hook to the Body
Reload and throw a Lead Hook to the Head
Repeat the punch combo and continue for 30 seconds
Rest (1 minute)
Round 2 (3 minutes)
Lead Uppercut - Rear Uppercut - Lead Hook - Rear Hook | 5 - 6 - 3 - 4 (30 seconds)
Picturing your opponent’s chin, twist your torso slightly to hit them under the chin with a Lead Uppercut
Twisting the other direction, follow with a Rear Uppercut
Bend your knees, twist into a Lead Hook, followed immediately by a Rear Hook
Repeat this punch combo for 30 seconds
Jab - Jab - Cross - Lead Hook - Cross | 1 - 1 - 2 - 3 - 2 (30 seconds)
Start with a Double Jab
As you retract your Jab, twist into a Cross - Lead Hook - Cross (2 - 3 - 2)
Repeat this punch combo for 30 seconds
Jab - Jab - Cross (B) - Lead Uppercut - Cross | 1 - 1 - 2B - 5 - 2 (30 seconds)
Start with a Double Jab
Bend your knees for a level switch and throw a Cross to the body
Rise up and twist into Lead Uppercut under the imaginary chin
As you retract your Uppercut, finish with a powerful Cross
Repeat this punch combo for 30 seconds
Rest (1 minute)
Round 3 (3 minutes)
Jab - Cross Power Coast | 1 - 2 Power Coast (30 seconds)
Alternate your Jab and Cross continuously, focusing on fewer reps with more power
Continue for 30 seconds
Squat Punches (30 seconds)
Stand with your feet hip-width apart and lower into a squat
Throw a Jab - Cross (1 - 2) combo
Push up through your heels to stand
Repeat for 30 seconds
Lead Hook - Rear Hook Power Coast | 3 - 4 Power Coast (30 seconds)
Alternate your Lead Hook and Rear Hook, focusing on fewer reps with more power
Repeat for 30 seconds
Rest (1 minute)
Round 4 (3 minutes)
Lunge Punches (30 seconds)
Alternate lunges and throw a (straight rear) punch at the bottom of each lunge
Continue for 30 seconds
Boxer’s Twist (30 seconds)
Sit on the floor and bend your knees at a slight angle with your feet on the floor
Twist side to side, tapping your hands on the floor each time
Continue for 30 seconds
Sit-Up Jab - Cross | Sit-Up 1 - 2 (30 seconds)
Lie on your back with your knees bent and feet on the floor
Engaging your core, execute a sit-up, throwing a Jab - Cross (1 - 2) at the top each time
Continue for 30 seconds
Jab - Cross Power Coast | 1 - 2 Power Coast (30 seconds)
30-second power coast with your Jab - Cross (1 - 2), focusing on fewer reps with more power
Freestyle Coast (30 seconds)
Freestyle coast round, focusing on a steady, consistent medium pace with any punch combinations you want
Freestyle Burnout (30 seconds)
All-out burnout round with any punch combinations you want!
If you’re looking for a more challenging low-impact boxing workout, repeat these four rounds for a killer 8-round workout that will take your cardio to the next level! If this 4-round workout was perfect for you today, then move on to the following cool down routine to complete your workout.
Cool Down (3 minutes)
March in Place (30 seconds)
Keep your knees high and use your arms to gently pump
Continue marching in place for 30 seconds
Upper Body Stretch (30 seconds)
From a standing or seated position, interweave your fingers and press your palms up toward the ceiling
Draw your hands up and back as far as possible while maintaining a straight spine
Hold this stretch for 30 seconds, continuing to breathe in and out
Inverse Upper Body Stretch (30 seconds)
Reach your arms out in front of you with your right hand behind your left
Turn your palms to face each other, and stretch your hands up and back
Hold for 15 seconds
Switch hand positions and repeat
Child’s Pose (30 seconds)
From a kneeling position, bring your big toes together and spread your knees out wider than your torso
Fold forward from the crease of your hips and place your forehead on the floor
Place your arms by your sides or extend them out forward with your palms facing down
Drop your hips back toward your heels
Close your eyes and continue to inhale and exhale deeply
Hold this pose for 30 seconds
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