Why Is Wrist Strength Training Important?
If you want to train like a boxer, prepare to do more than just hit the bag (How To Train Like Boxer - Beginner’s Guide).
Having flexible, strong wrists will decrease the risk of injury in boxing. Boxing beginners should avoid hitting the bag with their full power until they have bolstered their wrist strength. It is important also to use both wraps and gloves to stabilize wrists during wrist training.
You can increase the power of your punches as your wrists become more conditioned to handle the impact.
How to Strengthen Wrists for Boxing?
Your wrists are very intricate joints. To strengthen your wrists, you need a multi-faceted approach to target both the muscles and tendons. Wrist strengthening and wrist training are accomplished with a combination of strength and resistance training, as well as flexibility exercises.
Most wrist strengthening exercises are familiar moves that are just slightly modified to target the wrists. Moves such as push-ups, side planks, and even burpees will build strength in the wrists just by being performed on the knuckles.
How to Build Wrist Strength?
Even seasoned fighters can risk injury. Boxers of all experience levels use a variety of targeted wrist training exercises to avoid any mishaps. Basic knuckle push-ups, for example, safely mimic the impact of hitting a punching bag while strengthening the wrists.
Over time, boxers will develop stronger fast-twitch muscle fibers throughout their wrists and arms that help stabilize the joints. This also increases their speed and punching power.
What Exercises Strengthen Your Wrists?
Boxers use many different wrist training methods to achieve their personal best and strengthening the wrists is an extremely important element (How Boxers Train For a Fight). Many of the most effective methods of wrist strengthening will also build overall strength as an added bonus.
Common wrist training and strengthening exercises include wrist curls, wrist rotations, knuckle push-ups, and chin-ups.
Flexion and Extension Exercises
This is a wrist-focused approach to improving elasticity by stretching the tendons.
Lay your arm on a table while positioning your palm upright just off the edge
Use your other hand to gently bend your wrist down until you feel a good stretch
Hold for 5-10 seconds
Release and return your wrist to a straight position
Bend your wrist up this time and hold for another 5-10 seconds
Repeat 20 times
Switch hands and repeat the exercise
Strength and Resistance Exercises
Using weights (dumbbells or your body weight) and resistance will help build strength when wrist training. Try these four (4) strength training exercises in addition to stretching to increase wrist strength:
1. Wrist Curls
Lay your arm on a table while positioning your palm upright just off the edge
Hold a very lightweight (1 or 2 lbs. to start)
Curl your wrist upwards and lower it back to starting position
Repeat 10 times for each wrist
2. Knuckle Push-ups
Use a mat or towel to cushion your knuckles
Assume a push-up position with your legs outstretched balanced on your toes (or rest on your knees for a modified push-up)
Make a loose fist with both of your hands, supporting your upper body on your knuckles instead of your palms
Complete 10-20 push-ups
3. Wrist Rotations
Stand or sit with your arms bent at the elbow 90 degrees in front of your body
Start with your palms facing inward
Hold light weights or a resistance band with both hands
Slowly rotate your wrists outward and inward for 10 repetitions
4. Chin-ups
Using a chin-up bar, grab the bar with your palms facing toward you
Using only your full arm strength, pull your body weight as far up as you can
Slowly release down until your arms are fully extended
Repeat 10-20 times
How Do I Strengthen My Hands For Punching?
While wrist training exercises will help to strengthen your hands, grip exercises are also a great way to target the muscles and tendons from your wrists to the tips of your fingers.
Try these two (2) moves to increase hand and grip strength:
1. Squeeze Ball Exercises
You can strengthen your grip easily using a tennis ball or similar size ball. Simply practice gripping it, squeezing tight, and releasing the ball for 20 repetitions with each hand.
2. Kettlebell Exercises
Kettlebells are a great tool for enhancing grip, working the forearms, wrists, and hands. Use lightweight kettlebells instead of dumbbells to work on your wrist curls or wrist rotations for an added challenge.
Does Boxing Make Your Wrists Stronger?
Yes! Boxing will make your wrists stronger, but only if done safely. As a boxer, you should incorporate additional wrist strengthening exercises in your routine to increase stability and power.
Wrist strengthening for boxing is important to prevent injury, improve accuracy, and increase power. Adding a few simple exercises to your boxing workout will increase wrist strength and flexibility, helping your boxing training!
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