Why Do Upper Body Stretches?
Before any exercise routine, stretching is a great way to improve your mobility, performance, and lower the risk of possible injury. After training, whether it is a full-body workout or training in combat sports, a cool down is crucial to prevent soreness, have a better recovery post-training, and for your overall well-being.
In this article, we will discuss some of the best upper body stretches to get you to your peak performance, whether you’re working out at home or at the gym. These tips are designed for the beginner to the most advanced fighter.
If you’ve ever wondered, what are some upper body stretches or how to stretch upper body such as your chest and shoulders, FightCamp Trainer Coach PJ will walk you through 9 of the best mobility stretches for your upper body. These upper body stretches will improve your flexibility and give you a better range of motion throughout your whole body.
Upper Body Mobility Stretching Routine
While stretching, focus on controlling your breathing while keeping good posture. Stand with your knees straight, but not locked, and keep your hips, spine, and neck in alignment.
Neck Pull (1 minute)
Start with your feet shoulder-width apart and take your right hand and place it on top of your head
Slowly bend your neck to the right and stretch to a comfortable position
Hold for 30 seconds
Shake it out
Switch to your left side and repeat for 30 seconds
With these stretches, be sure to not pull or tug on your neck as the neck muscles can be aggravated easily.
Shoulder Stretch (1 minute)
Take your right arm and cross it over your body along your chest line
Bend your left arm and draw your right arm tight to your body, feeling the stretch in your right shoulder
Hold for 30 seconds
Switch arms and repeat
Tricep Stretch (1 minute)
This stretch is excellent for loosening the tricep muscles.
Extend your right arm up over your head
Bend your right elbow and place your right hand on your back
Take your left hand and push down on your right elbow until you feel the triceps stretch
Hold for 30 seconds
Switch arms and repeat
Wrist Flexion (1 minute)
To stretch the top of your forearm, the wrist flexion is a stretch that will give you more flexibility and loosen tight forearm muscles.
Extend your right arm out straight ahead with your palm facing outward
With your left hand, grab your right fingers and gently pull them back
Hold for 15 seconds, then rotate your right palm downward and hold for another 15 seconds
Switch arms and repeat
Downward Dog (30 seconds)
Place your hands on the ground so that your body is in a 4-point stance with your feet about shoulder-width apart
Push down through your palms and bring your hips up toward the sky
Your head should be between your elbows, looking away toward your knees
Hold for 30 seconds
For an added calf stretch, alternate bending one knee while pressing your heel to the ground with the opposite foot.
Child's Pose (30 seconds)
Drop down into a high plank position, bend your knees, and slowly sit back on your heels
Stretch your arms outward, placing your palms on the ground, and sink your body back into your hips
Hold for 30 seconds
Thoracic Rotation (1 minute)
From a kneeling position, place your right hand on the floor with the elbow straightened
Place your left hand on your head so your elbow is at 90 degrees
Rotate your left elbow towards your right arm on the ground, touching elbow to elbow
Twist slowly upward until the elbow that is on your head is pointed skyward
Slight pause at top rotation and repeat the rotation for 30 seconds
Switch arms and repeat
Upper Body Rotation (1 minute)
From a kneeling position, place your right hand on the floor with the elbow straightened
Cross your left arm underneath your body with your left shoulder and ear as close to the floor as possible, while bending your right elbow
You can choose to hold this stretch or you can rotate your left arm up reaching skyward and straightening your right arm
Pause slightly with your arm stretching high before returning to the cross position
Continue for 30 seconds
Switch arms and repeat
Chest Opener (30 seconds)
This stretch is a combination of a chest and shoulder stretch.
Stand with feet shoulder-width apart
Interlock your fingers together behind your lower back
Slowly pull both arms down and then drive the shoulders up a little bit
Hold for 30 seconds, feeling the stretch through your shoulders and chest
Release and shake out arms
Benefits of Stretching
Incorporating mobility stretches and a proper warm-up into your routine have many benefits such as:
Increased flexibility and better range of motion
Lower risk of potential injury
Improved performance
Less pain and fatigue in muscles and joints
All athletes know that proper stretching, pre-and post-workout is essential for any training regimen. Incorporating warm-up stretches and cool-down stretches will ensure that your body can reach peak performance and recover faster without injury. For more stretching routines like this be sure to check out our blog and YouTube channel.
Train Like a Fighter
Take your workouts to the next level and train like a fighter with the at-home connected fitness solution used by world champion boxers Mike Tyson and Floyd Mayweather. FightCamp has everything you need to work out on your schedule, with premium boxing equipment and hundreds of on-demand strength, conditioning, kickboxing, boxing, core, and recovery classes led by real fighters. As Mike Tyson said - “FightCamp is the next level of training!”
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