The everyday stresses of life can sometimes feel overwhelming. Something that can help is getting in a quick 15-minute workout at home to clear your mind and focus on getting in shape.
Now I’m sure the following questions are crossing your mind:
Is it okay to work out for 15 minutes?
What is the best 15-minute workout?
Is it okay to work out for 15 minutes?
Absolutely, you can get an effective total body workout in just 15 minutes with a high-intensity workout. In fact, your body can burn the same amount or more calories with a short HIIT workout than by jogging on a treadmill for 30 minutes. If you don’t have the time to spend an hour working out, a 15-minute workout is perfect for you!
What is the best 15-minute workout?
A boxing workout at home is a great option for an effective 15-minute workout. Boxing works multiple muscle groups to help you strengthen and tone your body. It is also a great cardio workout because it spikes your heart rate, so you burn more calories and fat. Furthermore, the best short workout is one that can have you reap the same benefits as a longer workout in a shorter time frame. An anaerobic workout like boxing is a high-intensity workout that burns fat in a shorter amount of time than a traditional aerobic workout.
Boxing is a great stress reliever, and a perfect outlet to let out any built-up aggression.
After getting the fundamentals down, do this free 15-minute at-home boxing workout. This workout is categorized as an “open” workout. The FightCamp open workouts are boxing workouts at home for beginners and all other levels.
Boxing Fitness At Home Workout
Although you can do this workout without any equipment, it’s recommended that you have at least the basics so you can get the most out of this killer session.
This 15-minute boxing workout with a punching bag will be four three-minute rounds with a one-minute break after each round to reset. Each round consists of different punch combinations and has a punch goal of throwing a specific number of punches before the round is over.
You will be throwing the 6 basic punch counts: jab, cross, lead hook, rear hook, lead uppercut and rear uppercut. In boxing gyms, each punch and punch combination is simplified using the number system below:
1 = The Jab
2 = The Cross
3 = The Lead Hook
4 = The Rear Hook
5 = The Lead Uppercut
6 = The Rear Uppercut
LK = The Lead Kick
RK = The Rear Kick
When the numbers above are displayed with a “b” next to them, that connotes throwing a punch to the body. So, 1b = a jab to the body, and so on.
This workout begins with a 2-minute warmup and ends with a 3-minute cool down.
It’s time to start the workout--the first thing is the warm-up. The warm-up is 2 minutes long and consists of 4 exercises performed for 30 seconds each. You will start with 30 seconds of arm circles followed by hip circles. Then, you will do 30 seconds of cross body punches, and finally finish off with 30 seconds of jumping jacks.
Arm Circles (30 seconds)
Start with your feet shoulder-width apart or slightly wider
Begin to circle your arms forward with big movements making sure to get a full range of motion
After 15 seconds, switch directions and circle backwards
Hip Circles (30 seconds)
Lift your right leg, bending at the knee and slowly circle your knee out to the side and then back down as you complete the full rotation
You can step out from side to side as you bring your knee up in front of you and then back
Alternate left and right
Continue for 30 seconds
Cross Body Punches (30 seconds)
With your hands up in front of you at your chin, begin by punching across your body
Make sure to get a full extension with each punch, and rotate your body in the direction of the punch to follow through
Bring your punching hand back to your chin each time
Alternate sides and continue for 30 seconds
Jumping Jacks (30 seconds)
Jump up, spreading your legs wide and drawing your arms upward above your head
Jump again, and bring your arms back down to your sides and your feet back together
Repeat for the full 30 seconds
Rest (1 minute)
Round 1
Punch goal: 155
This 3-minute round consists of four different exercises: three punch combinations and one set of plank jacks. You will start with a 1-2-1-2 punch combination and squat, followed by a 1-2-3-2 punch combo. After a set of plank jacks for 30 seconds, you will finish the round with a 2-5-3-2 punch combo.
Jab - Cross - Jab - Cross + Squat Jab - Cross - Jab - Cross | 1 - 2 - 1 - 2 + Squat 1 - 2 - 1 - 2 (30 seconds)
Start in a boxer’s stance with your dominant hand in front of your face and your back hand up guarding your face
Punch four straight punches: jab - cross - jab - cross (1 - 2 - 1 - 2)
Then reset, squat down and punch jab - cross - jab - cross (1 - 2 - 1 - 2)
Hop back up to stand, and repeat the punching sequence
Continue to alternate standing and squatting with the four straight punch sequence for 30 seconds
Jab - Cross - Lead Hook - Cross | 1 - 2 - 3 - 2 (1 minute)
Start in a boxer's stance with your dominant hand in front of your face and your back hand up guarding your face
Punch to the count, throwing jab - cross - lead hook - cross (1 - 2 - 3 - 2)
Continue for 1 minute
Plank Jacks (30 seconds)
Start in a plank either on your forearms or your fists with straight arms
Make sure your body is in a straight line and your core is engaged and your glutes are tight
Jump your feet out wide and bring them back together as if you’re doing a jumping jack
Continue for 30 seconds
Cross - Lead Uppercut - Cross - Lead Hook | 2 - 5 - 2 - 3 (1 minute)
Start in a boxer’s stance
Throw your final combo: cross - lead uppercut - cross - lead hook (2 - 5 - 2 - 3)
Keep going for 1 minute, making sure to follow through with your punches
After round 1 is complete, take a 60-second break to get water and prepare for round 2.
Round 2
Punch goal: 155
Round 2 is another 3-minute round with a punch goal of a minimum of 155 punches. This round consists of three 4 punch combinations and a set of mountain climbers, starting with a 3-4-3-4 punch and squat combo for 30 seconds. You will then follow with a 6-5-4-5 punch combo for 1 minute. Next, you will get down on the floor for 30 seconds of mountain climbers. The fourth combination is 4 punches performed in a 5-6-3-6 combo for 1 minute.
Lead Hook - Rear Hook - Lead Hook - Rear Hook + Squat Lead Hook - Rear Hook - Lead Hook - Rear Hook | 3 - 4 - 3 - 4 + Squat 3 - 4 - 3 - 4 (30 seconds)
Starting in your stance, punch lead hook - rear hook - lead hook - rear hook (3 - 4 - 3 - 4), punching out and around in your hooks
Squat down and repeat the punch sequence
Hop back up and repeat
Continue for 30 seconds
Rear Uppercut - Lead Uppercut - Rear Hook - Lead Uppercut | 6 - 5 - 4 - 5 (1 minute)
Start in your boxer’s stance
Punch rear uppercut - lead uppercut - rear hook - lead uppercut (6 - 5 - 4 - 5)
Make sure to keep the punch combo energized and strong with short, quick movements
Continue for 1 minute
Mountain Climbers (30 seconds)
Come into a plank position with your arms straight and your body in a line
Your fists should be directly under your shoulders
Alternate bringing one knee to your chest, then back out again, speeding up each time like you're running against the floor
Continue for 30 seconds
Lead Uppercut - Rear Uppercut - Lead Hook - Rear Uppercut | 5 - 6 - 3 - 6 (1 minute)
Start in your stance
Punch lead uppercut - rear uppercut - lead hook - rear uppercut (5 - 6 - 3 - 6)
Make sure to keep your punches strong, and quick, bringing your hands back to guard your face each time
Repeat this combo for 1 minute
Congratulations you are halfway done with the workout. Now take a 60-second break to towel off, get some water, and prepare for round 3.
Round 3
Punch goal: 155
This 3-minute round has 3 coast and power movements that are done in 30-second increments. The first combo is a punch 1-2-1-2 then squat-hold punch 1-2-1-2 for 30 seconds. Next, you will move to a four punch combo: 1-4-5-4 for 1 minute. Then get down on the ground for 30 seconds of shoulder taps. Finally, the last set is a four-punch combo: 1-2-1-6 for 1 minute.
Jab - Cross - Jab - Cross + Squat Jab - Cross - Jab - Cross | 1 - 2 - 1 - 2 + Squat 1 - 2 - 1 - 2 (30 seconds)
Start in your stance and perform a four-punch combo jab - cross - jab - cross (1 - 2 - 1 - 2)
Then squat and hold punching jab - cross - jab - cross (1 - 2 - 1 - 2)
Jump back up to your stance and repeat the sequence for 30 seconds
Jab - Rear Hook - Lead Uppercut - Rear Hook | 1 - 4 - 5 - 4 (1 minute)
Start in your boxer's stance
Throw a jab - cross - lead uppercut - rear hook (1 - 4 - 5 - 4) punch combo
Make sure to rotate your hips and pivot your foot towards the direction you are punching
Continue for 1 minute
Shoulder Taps (30 seconds)
Get down on the ground in a plank position with your fists directly under your shoulders and your body in a straight line
Keep your core engaged and don’t twist your hips
Bring your opposite fist up to your opposite shoulder and back down
Alternate sides for 30 seconds
The closer your legs are together, the harder it will be
Jab - Cross - Jab - Rear Uppercut | 1 - 2 - 1 - 6 (1 minute)
Start back in your boxer’s stance
The final set will be a 4 punch combo: 1-2-1-6
Repeat for the full minute, keeping your punches strong with your follow through and quick movements
Take another 60-second break and get ready for your final round.
Round 4
Punch goal: 140
Round 4 is also 3 minutes long. The first 90 seconds of this round starts with core work with 30-second intervals of boxer’s twist, flutter kicks, and sit-ups. Then you will stand up and end the final 90 seconds of this round with a punch burnout segment, which includes a jab, cross burnout followed by a power coast freestyle, and ending with a power punch freestyle.
Lead Uppercut - Rear Uppercut - Lead Uppercut - Rear Uppercut + Squat Jump | 5 - 6 - 5 - 6 + Squat Jump (30 seconds)
Start in your boxer’s stance and punch lead uppercut - rear uppercut - lead uppercut - rear uppercut (5 - 6 - 5 - 6)
Then squat down, hop back up, and repeat the punch combo
Continue for 30 seconds
Jab - Jab - Jab - Cross - Lead Hook | 1 - 1 - 1 - 2 - 3 (1 minute)
Start in your boxer’s stance
Perform a triple jab combo: punch jab - jab - jab - cross - lead hook (1 - 1 - 1 - 2 - 3)
The first 3 punches will be with your dominant hand, and you will follow with a cross - lead hook (2 - 3) punch combo
Reset and repeat for 1 minute
Push Ups (30 seconds)
Start down on the ground in a push up position with your fists directly under your shoulders and come onto your toes or your knees
Make sure your body is in a straight line and your core is engaged
Bend your elbows and lower your body down to the ground before pushing back up to your starting position
Continue for 30 seconds
Cross - Lead Uppercut - Rear Hook - Lead Uppercut | 2 - 5 - 4 - 5 (1 minute)
Start in your boxer’s stance
Perform a cross - lead uppercut - rear hook - lead uppercut (2 - 5 - 4 - 5) punch combo
Keep your punches strong with a full follow-through
Power through the combo as fast as you can
Repeat for 1 minute
Raise your hands in victory for completing the workout and move on to the cool down.
Cool Down
The cool down is 3 minutes long. A cool down should be static stretches held for several seconds each, not dynamic movements like the warmup. After resting and removing your gloves, cycle through the static stretches and movements below.
Deep Breath and Arm Raise (15 seconds)
With a big inhale, reach your arms up to the sky, above your head
Hold for a few seconds
Slowly bring your arms back to your sides as you exhale
Chest Stretch (15 seconds each side)
Place one hand on the punching bag with your arm stretched out, and twist your body the opposite direction, stretching your chest and shoulder
You should feel your body opening wide
Continue to breathe and hold for 15 seconds
Repeat on the other side
Triceps Stretch (15 seconds each side)
Raise your right arm straight up over your head and bend your elbow
Gently touch your left hand to your bent elbow
Try to reach the palm of your right hand to the center of your shoulder blades
Make sure you are relaxed, your neck is long, and your shoulders are relaxed
Repeat to the other side after a couple of seconds
Side Lunge
Spread your legs wide and slowly bend one knee and shift your weight towards that side
Keep your other leg straight and feel the stretch in your hamstrings
Hold for a few seconds
You can rest your hands or elbows on your knees for support
Wide Leg Forward Fold
With your legs spread wide, slowly stretch down resting your hands on the ground, keeping your knees slightly bent so that you aren’t hyperextending
Breathe into the stretch
Hold for a few seconds
Side Lunge
With your legs still spread apart, slowly bend your knee and shift your weight towards the other side
Keep your other leg straight and feel the stretch in your hamstrings
Hold for a few seconds
You can rest your hands on your knees for support
Wide Leg Stretch With Squat
Repeat the wide leg stretch and slowly bend your knees to squat down
Keep your back long and straight
You can bring your palms to touch in front of your chest and make sure that your knees do not extend over your toes
Sit back in the squat position and hold
After you’ve completed the stretch, come back to a wide legged forward fold and slowly walk your feet back together and roll up to a stand, one vertebrae at a time
Neck Rolls
Slowly roll your head and neck in one direction for a few rotations
Then switch to the opposite direction
Quad Stretch
Balancing on your left leg, bend your right knee and grab your right foot with your right hand
You can hold onto the punching bag or wall for stability
Keep your thighs together as you pull your right foot toward your butt
Hold for a few seconds before switching sides
NICE JOB! You’ve just smashed this at home boxing workout. Now go enjoy the rest of your day, because you’ve earned it!
If you can't get enough and you ready to keep training like a fighter, get access to hundreds of boxing, kickboxing, strength, conditioning, recovery, and stretching workouts that will push you mentally and physically. Download the FREE FightCamp App and train with real fighters from the comfort of your own home.
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