If you want to improve your kicking mobility and gain more flexibility in your hips, this dynamic warm-up with FightCamp Trainer Flo Master will help you get there.
Before any vigorous activity, it’s crucial to warm up properly, get your blood flowing, and loosen your muscles and joints. This will help prevent injury.
The best part is that you don’t need any equipment for these exercises, you can do these at home anytime.
You will perform 6 dynamic movements in this workout, each for 30 seconds. If you need to take a quick break between activities, give yourself 5-10 seconds to shake out the body and legs before moving to the next exercise.
The Workout
Calf Bounces (30 seconds)
This exercise warms up the thighs, ankles, and calves through the feet.
Start with your feet shoulder-width apart
Slowly bounce on your toes, lifting your heels off the ground
Continue for 30 seconds
Calf Bounces with Heels In (30 seconds)
Repeat the same calf bounce, but this time, point your toes out and your heels in, like Dorothy in the “Wizard of Oz”
Calf Bounces with Heels Out (30 seconds)
Repeat the same calf bounce, but this time, point your toes in and your heels out
Deep Squats (30 seconds)
This exercise warms up the thighs and hips.
Start with your feet shoulder-width apart
With your weight back on your heels, squat down
Make sure to keep your back straight with your shoulders over your thighs
As you bend, keep your knees behind your toes and sit down until your knees are at a 90 degree angle
Stand back up
Continue squatting for 30 seconds
Lunges (30 seconds)
This exercise warms up the joints in the knees and hips.
Keep your knees behind the toes
Bend knee to 90 degrees
Keep your back leg and knee touching the ground
Alternate left to right leg
Hip Circles (30 seconds)
This exercise increases flexibility and strengthens the core.
Start with your feet shoulder-width apart
Place your hands-on hips
Rotate hips in a circular pattern as if you were using a hula-hoop
Alternate the circle rotation pattern after 15 seconds
Gate Openers (30 seconds each side)
This movement loosens the hips and increases flexibility.
Stand on your right foot
Lift your left leg to 90 degrees
Rotate your left leg out and toward the side of your body, so that your knee is pointed sideways
Touch your left foot to the ground
Lift your left leg again from the side and get your leg to 90 degrees before rotating back to the front of the body
Touch left foot to the ground
Continue for 30 seconds
Repeat movements with your right leg for 30 more seconds
Side Lunges (30 seconds)
This is a great exercise to warm up the groin and thighs.
Place one leg straight on the ground, pointed outward to the side of the body
Point the toes of your extended leg upward
Lunge over the opposite leg, be sure to keep the knee behind the toes
Continue for 30 seconds
And there you have it! A dynamic warm-up before any boxing and kickboxing workout will ensure that you have more mobility and flexibility in your hips and joints so you can kick with more power and without injury. For more training tips and suggestions, subscribe to the FightCamp YouTube channel and check out our Blog.
Check out these FightCamp stretching and strengthening routines to help you perfect your form:
◦ Stretching Routine For Boxing At Home with Shanie
◦ Boxing Wrist Strengthening with Flo Master
◦ Dynamic & Static Stretching for Neck Tension with Shanie
◦ Upper Body Flexibility & Mobility Routine with Coach PJ
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