In order to be the best fighter, boxer, kickboxer, and athlete you need to take care of your body so it can take care of you. This means paying attention to your diet, exercise, mind, and sleep routines. In order to push yourself to your utmost potential, you need to properly recover and rest from your workouts. LeBron James spends an estimated $1.5 million a year on things that take care of his body–that may be a bit extreme to 99% of the population, but it is a testament to how crucial recovery is, especially for athletes.
One of the best tools that you can start using right now during your recovery routine is a foam roller. Foam rolling is a self-myofascial release technique (SMR) that uses your body weight to exert pressure on your muscles through small repetitive movements on a foam cylinder. Basically, think of it as a deep tissue massage that you can do by yourself with a simple piece of equipment.
Here, FightCamp Trainer Coach PJ leads you through a 6-minute, total body foam rolling routine that you can perform anywhere, without much space needed.
6-Minute Full-Body Foam Rolling Routine
Key Highlights:
Typically, you can foam roll for however long you like any time of day. For this routine, perform each move 2-4 times or for about 30 seconds
Movements should be slow and controlled to fully utilize bodyweight pressure and maximize rolling benefits
To help release tension during rolling, focus on breathing slowly and fully
Achilles and Calves
Start in a seated position with your legs out straight in front of you
With the foam roller on the ground, place your right leg on top of the roller, so that your heel is just hanging off of it, your Achilles tendon resting on the roller
Place your hands on the ground to support your bodyweight and to adjust the weight and pressure on the targeted muscle
Slowly begin to “roll” your body forward and backward over the roller, working your way up and down the Achilles tendon and calf
To increase the massaging effect and maximize pressure, you can place your left leg on top of your right shin to add more weight into the roller
Continue to roll up and down 2-4 times or for 30 seconds
Switch legs and repeat
Start in a seated position with your legs out straight in front of you
With the foam roller on the ground, place your right leg on top of the roller, so that the foam roller is sitting comfortably underneath your knee
Place your hands on the ground to support your bodyweight and to adjust the weight and pressure on the targeted muscle
Slowly begin to “roll” your body forward and backward over the roller, working your way up and down the hamstring, from the back of your knee up towards your glutes
To increase the massaging effect and add more weight into the roller, place your left leg above your right knee in a figure 4 position
You can also press down with your left leg to add even more pressure
Continue to roll up and down 2-4 times or for 30 seconds
Switch legs and repeat
IT Band/Hip
With the foam roller on the ground, roll over on your right side so that the foam roller is underneath your hip
Extend your right leg out straight, place your right forearm on the ground for balance and your left foot on the ground, either in front or behind your right leg
Slowly begin to “roll” your body forward and backward over the roller, working your way up and down the IT band–from your hip to your knee
Roll up and down 2-4 times or for 30 seconds
Switch legs and repeat
Place the foam roller on the ground to the right of you at groin level, and lie down on your stomach or forearms so that the foam roller is parallel to your upper body
Bend your right hip and knee at a 90-degree angle and carefully place your right leg on top of the roller so that your leg is perpendicular to the roller with your knee facing away from you
Slowly shift and roll your body over the top of the foam roller, tracking your movement from the inside of your right knee towards the inside of your hip and groin area
Roll back and forth 2-4 times or for 30 seconds
Switch legs and repeat
Upper Back
Place the foam roller on the ground and lay down on top of it so that it is under your upper back
Rest your feet flat on the ground and place your hands behind your head
Slowly roll back and forth from the top of your trapezius muscles all the way down to your lower thoracic region–be sure not to roll all the way down to your lumbar spine
Roll back and forth 2-4 times or for 30 seconds
Latissimus Dorsi
Place the foam roller on the ground and lay down on top of it so that it is under your upper back
Rest your feet flat on the ground and place your hands behind your head
Slightly rotate your torso towards your right side so the pressure is now on your latissimus dorsi as opposed to your mid-back
Slowly roll back and forth from the top of your trapezius muscles all the way down to your lower thoracic region–be sure not to roll all the way down to your lumbar spine
Roll back and forth 2-4 times or for 30 seconds
Switch sides and repeat
Lie down on your stomach and place the foam roller on your right side at shoulder height, parallel to your body
Place your right arm on top of the roller, with your arm out straight, where the chest and shoulder meet
Slowly roll back and forth from your outer chest to the far point of your shoulder
Roll back and forth 2-4 times or for 30 seconds
Switch sides and repeat
Key Tip: Flip your hand back and forth from supination to pronation to work different angles of your chest and shoulders
Use the 7 movements in this foam rolling routine to warm up, cool down, and recover from your workouts. In time, you’ll improve your mobility and flexibility, and of course, show your body some love!
Train Harder, Recover Stronger
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