What Is a Roundhouse Kick?
A roundhouse kick is one of the most popular kicks in kickboxing because it is incredibly effective. Also known as a round kick, learning how to do this move correctly will generate a massive amount of power. The power of the roundhouse kick comes from the momentum of your whole body rotating around on your base foot, delivering enough impact to throw your opponent off balance easily.
For kickboxing beginners, the roundhouse kick is an essential kick to learn. Once you have a good grasp on some of the best kicks in the sport, do some kickboxing workout videos to sharpen your skills and have fun with your new moves.
How To Do a Roundhouse Kick
Here we’ll look at the individual steps involved in properly executing a roundhouse kick, explained by FightCamp Trainer Aaron Swenson. He'll demonstrate each step and explain the most important points, as well as some common mistakes to avoid.
The Base
Assume a fighting stance
Your front foot should be straight
Your back foot is going to be at a 90-degree angle but pigeon-toed because you want to be on the ball of your foot
Keep your elbows in, hands up, and chin tucked
The Setup
You are going to be stepping across your opponent
As you push off your back leg, shift the weight to your front leg to create momentum
*Tip: Avoid stepping sideways with your lead leg, stay at a 45-degree angle (opening your hips)Bring your knee up straight through the center
*Tip: Avoid the common mistake of bringing your leg up too far to your side
The Kick
Pivot on your lead foot keeping in mind that the more you turn your foot, the more power in the kick
Extend your leg all the way out and point your toes
Land the kick with your shin and the top of your foot
After you land your kick, return to your starting stance right away
*Tip: Be mindful to return immediately to fighting stance, do not land squarely facing your opponent as this leaves you open to get hit
Upper Body
When you kick, turn your torso all the way over 45 degrees
You will turn your entire body to a position perpendicular to your opponent
*Tip: The power of this kick comes from the full rotation
Bring your lead hand down to make way for your rear hand
Bring your rear hand up across your face
Rapidly swing your rear hand back down across your butt to create torque and act as a counterbalance
Assume your stance on the ball of your back foot
Step across your opponent
Extend your leg
Focus on the pivot on your base (lead) foot
Turn your body as much as you can
Swing your rear hand
Breathe to engage your abs and hit even harder
The Lead Side
It is common that your lead leg is a little weaker than your rear leg
To switch, step forward 45-degrees
Remember when you kick, stand tall on the ball of your foot and keep your limbs extended and elongated
Roundhouse kick points to remember:
Step 45 degrees across your opponent
Hit with your shin or top of your foot
Pivot on the base of your foot
The roundhouse kick isn’t only effective, but it’s also a lot of fun when you get into the rhythm of the move. This kick engages your entire body, and you will feel the increase in power and momentum as you advance your skills.
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Take your workouts to the next level and train like a fighter with the at-home connected fitness solution used by world champion boxers Mike Tyson and Floyd Mayweather. FightCamp has everything you need to work out on your schedule, with premium boxing equipment and hundreds of on-demand strength, conditioning, kickboxing, boxing, core, and recovery classes led by real fighters. As Mike Tyson said - “FightCamp is the next level of training!”
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