The gold standard of lower body exercises is the bodyweight squat. It is a great compound movement that uses multiple muscle groups, and when performed properly, has some of the best returns on investment. Squats can help build muscle, burn fat, make you stronger, and take your athleticism to the next level, making you an even better boxer. Here is how to perform a squat correctly.
The Squat
Start standing with feet shoulder-width apart, weight evenly distributed across both of your feet
Your toes should be forward or slightly turned out
Begin the squat movement by pushing your hips backward (hip hinge) as if you were sitting down in a chair
As your hips move backward and you begin the squat, your knees should track in line with your toes - knees move outward
Keep your chest up
Squat down until your thighs are parallel to the floor, or slightly lower
Pause for a half-second
Drive through your heels and rise back up, squeezing your glutes as you return to the starting position
Continue performing squats for the remainder of the set
Movement Key Points
Here are some key things to focus on while performing bodyweight squats:
Feet slightly wider than hips
Toes facing forward or slightly turned out
Lower Into a seated position
Hips move backward before slowly lowering
Keep chest tall
Focus on keeping your chest tall and upright
Knees over ankles, but not passed toes
At the bottom of the squat, have your knees in line with your ankles, not passing your toes
Push through heels
Push through your heels to drive upwards as you squeeze your glutes
Breathing Pattern
Breathe in and brace your core before you squat down
Breathe out as you rise back up to stand
Muscles Used
Hip Flexors
Perform 3 - 6 sets
10 - 20 repetitions
Rest for 45 - 60 seconds between sets
Drop It Low: Applying Squats To Everyday Life
The squat is by far the single most effective exercise that you can do for your lower body as it works for almost every main muscle group. Squatting is not only important from a fitness perspective, but also for real-life applications as well. Sitting in a chair, lying down in bed, and lifting heavy items off the ground all require a squatting movement pattern. This is one exercise you want to keep doing to keep in shape for life.
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