When it comes to strength training for boxers, nothing is more important than being able to deliver powerful, fast, accurate punches, and, one of the best ways to make the most of each punch is to build up core strength and stamina.
What Is Considered Your Core?
Your core is more than just the abdominal muscles that most people think of. The core muscles include: the pelvic floor, abdominals, obliques, lumbar back, diaphragm, glutes, latissimus dorsi (lats), hamstrings, and hip ab/adductors.
Utilizing a combination of some or all of those muscles, the core helps stabilize the thorax and pelvis during dynamic movements, like those in boxing training. One of the best pieces of equipment that a boxer can use to help work the core muscles is the stability ball. The stability ball allows one to perform a variety of different exercises that help build a strong, lean, and toned midsection.
Today, we will highlight FightCamp Trainer Flo Master and his top 5 stability ball exercises to get you in fighting shape. Through this routine, you’ll strengthen your core for added punching power, work on balance for improved mobility, and strengthen your shoulders and posterior chain.
Flo’s 5 Stability Ball Exercises
Core Rotation (20 reps each side)
Rest the stability ball on the ground and stand behind it
Carefully roll yourself out on top of the ball with your knees on top of the ball as if you were in a kneeling position, your hands on the ground, and your arms locked out
From here, drop your hips down and rotate your knees to the left, focusing on keeping your upper body still
Your knees should now be parallel with the ground pointing towards the wall
Keeping your core engaged, return to the starting position
Drop your hips again, this time in the opposite direction to the right, until your knees are pointing towards the opposite wall
Return to starting position
Repeat for a total of 20 reps on each side
Carefully roll back to standing position
Key focus: As your balance improves, use the motion of the movement and the ball to bounce up and increase the tempo.
Knee Balance (30-60 seconds)
Rest the stability ball on the ground and stand behind it
Place both hands on opposite sides of the ball, similar to a 10 and 2 o’clock positions
Carefully place one knee on the ball, then the other
You should now be on all fours on top of the stability ball
Maintaining balance, keeping your core engaged, slowly let go with your hands and come to a full, upright, kneeling position
Focus on keeping your core engaged throughout the exercise, and make sure to breathe
For added balance, use your arms to help stabilize your torso and your movements
Continue to balance for as long as you can (30-60 seconds)
To dismount, place your hands back onto the ball, and slowly roll backwards, until your feet are back on the ground
Walk Out (10 reps)
Rest the stability ball on the ground and stand behind it
Carefully roll yourself out on top of the ball, walking your hands out on the ground until you are in a plank position with your feet on top of the ball
Keeping your core engaged, walk your hands back to the starting position behind the stability ball
Repeat, walking your hands back out until you are in full plank extension with your feet on top of ball, hold for a full count, then walk back to start
Repeat for a total of 10 reps
For added challenge, add a push-up at the top of the plank position
Hamstring Curl (20 reps)
Start by lying on the ground with your feet on top of the stability ball and your arms at your sides for balance
Engage your core and squeeze your glutes to lift your hips off the ground
Your body should be in a straight line
Drive your heels into the stability ball and curl the ball back towards your glutes
Hold for a second, then slowly roll the ball back until your legs are in full extension
Repeat for a total of 20 reps
On your final curl, hold for 30-40 seconds for an added burn
One Leg Squat (5-10 reps each leg)
Start in a standing position with your back facing a wall
Position the stability ball between you and the wall in the thoracic region of your back
Balancing on your right foot, slowly squat down and perform a single leg pistol squat by lifting your left foot off the ground
Squat as deep as you can
Rise and return to the starting position
Switch legs and repeat by balancing on your left foot
Repeat for a total of 5-10 reps on each leg
There you have it, FightCamp Trainer Flo Master’s top 5 stability ball exercises to build core strength, get your midsection ripped, and improve your balance. Incorporating these exercises into your boxing training regimen will enhance your fighting skills inside the ring and make you even more elusive and harder for your opponent to hit.
If you loved this boxing core workout and want to see what else Flo and the other FightCamp Trainers have in store, check out our other YouTube videos, blog, and workouts on the FightCamp App. Start your training with FightCamp today!
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