Sometimes we are short on time or away from home, but we shouldn’t have to sacrifice our fitness goals. Whether you're too pressed for time to go through a full warm-up, training, and cool-down routine, or you’re traveling, FightCamp has got you covered so that you don't have to miss a workout!
FightCamp Trainer Coach PJ has the perfect bodyweight workout to get your heart rate elevated, blood pumping, and keep you in fighting shape this summer even if you’re traveling and on-the-go away from the heavy bag. The best part is you won’t need any boxing equipment for this workout so you can do it anywhere!
This workout routine is a Tabata-style workout. Tabata workouts consist of high-intensity, short intervals of movement, followed by brief rest periods. They are known to increase Excess Post-Exercise Oxygen Consumption (EPOC), or the number of calories you burn post-workout.
Coach PJ will take you through 5 rounds of 5 different movements. You’ll complete 4 sets of each movement following the same work to rest ratio: 20 seconds of work followed by 10 seconds of rest.
Tabata Workout: 5 Rounds
20 seconds of work: 10 seconds of rest
A-Skips (4 sets)
A-skips are similar in motion to marching in place with a little more bounce, almost like you are skipping in place.
Focus on controlled motion and raising your knee above hip height
Arm drive is more active than the marching motion
As motion is mastered, pick up the tempo
Key points: Your elbows should be at a 90 degree angle. Make sure not to cross the midline of your chest as you drive your arms in the movement.
Reverse Lunge + Front Kick (4 sets)
Start in an athletic stance
Perform a right leg, reverse lunge
Return to a stand, and kick your right foot forward
Continue the lunge and kick for 20 seconds with the same leg
Rest 10 seconds
Switch legs and repeat x 3
Bob and Weave (4 sets)
The bob and weave is a great exercise to practice defense and slipping/ducking punches. A good visual is to imagine a rope tied off at head height. Make sure to bob and weave under the rope and avoid hitting the rope with your head.
Start in an athletic fighting stance
Envision your opponent throwing a punch at you as you slip each attempted shot
Bend your knees slightly and bob under the imaginary punch, dropping your center of gravity, keeping your guard up
Quickly return to your upright boxing stance
Continue bobbing and weaving, back and forth, as if your body is following along the path of a “U” shape for the remaining time
Rest for 10 seconds
Repeat x 3
Key point: Keep your hands up in a guard the entire time.
Added challenge: Switch your stance halfway through.
Squat + Hook (4 sets)
Start in an athletic stance with your hands up in guard
Perform a full bodyweight squat
Come back to stance and throw a hook
Repeat the squat and throw a hook with the opposite arm
Continue for 20 seconds, alternating throwing hooks with each arm
Rest for 10 seconds
Repeat x 3
Key points: Throw each hook with intention and force. Focus on good hip rotation and twist of the planted foot to transfer power for each punch.
Added challenge: Turn the squats into a squat jump.
Bear Plank + Sit-Thru (4 sets)
Start on all fours with your arms straight and your hands under your shoulders
Your knees should be bent at 90 degrees under your hips
Engage your core (think belly to spine), keep your back flat, lift your knees 1-3 inches off the ground. This is the starting position.
From here, keeping your right hand on the ground, raise your left arm and rotate your chest as if to point to the sky while simultaneously kicking your right leg out to your left side
Your left foot should pivot as you thread your right leg beneath you, as you kick through
Return to the starting position
Switch arms and legs
Repeat for 20 seconds, alternating sides
Rest for 10 seconds
Repeat x 3
There you have it! A quick 10 minutes of solid hard work. Tabata-style workouts give you just enough time to elevate your heart rate, break a sweat, and burn calories during, and well after, you’ve finished. Be sure to check out our other YouTube videos for more ways to stay active all summer long!
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